The destination risk map provides an initial overview of human rights risk areas in the destinations of tourism companies. It aims to reduce complexity and provide companies with initial information on what they need to pay attention to. It can be a basis for profound strategy development and risk analysis regarding human rights due diligence. How to use the map Click on the country directly on the map to see a pop-up window with the Overall Score and mentions of human rights risk areas that are particularly relevant to the tourism industry. Click on "More" in the pop-up window in the map or on the respective country in the table below to get details for each country. Destinations Albania Argentina Australia Austria Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Cambodia Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt France Germany Ghana Greece India Indonesia Iran Italy Kenya Kyrgyzstan Malaysia Maldives Mexico Morocco Namibia Nepal New Zealand Peru Portugal Saudi Arabia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Switzerland Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Tunisia Turkey UAE Uganda UK USA USA Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Download Register You can download all data of the risk map (scores of countries, index information) as an excel file: Downloads 2022_V1.1_Destination_Risk_Register_Download.xlsx 44.68 KB Methodology The Destination Risk Map builds on 13 indices on human rights topics. For the presented Overall Score, these indices were combined for each country. Each country's Overall Score is scaled and displayed in one of five color gradations on the world map. The descriptions on the individual country sites are based on data from the U.S. Department of State. Its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international agreements. Indices used for the Map We chose 13 indices that comprehensively cover various human rights topics with relevance for tourism. They refer to children's rights, gender equality, environmental sustainability, labor rights, modern slavery, rule of law/statehood, civil freedom, standard of living, LGBTQI+ rights and corruption: Global Rights Index (2022); Publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) / Labor Rights KidsRights Index (2022); Publisher: Kids Rights Foundation, Erasmus University Rotterdam / Children's Rights Children's Rights Atlas - Workplace Index; Publisher: UNICEF & Global Child Forum / Children's Rights Global Slavery Index (2018); Publisher: Walk Free Foundation / Modern Slavery Trafficking in Persons Report (2022); Publisher: U.S. Department of State / Modern Slavery Global Gender Gap (2022); Publisher: World Economic Forum / Gender Equality Human Development Index (2021/22); Publisher: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) / Standard of Living Rule of Law Index (2022); Publisher: World Justice Project (WJP) / Rule of Law and Statehood Fragile States Index (2022); Publisher: The Fund For Peace (FFP) / Rule of Law and Statehood Freedom in the World Index (2022); Publisher: Freedom House / Freedom, Rights and Political Participation Corruption Perceptions Index (2022); Publisher: Transparency International / Corruption Environmental Perfomance Index (2022); Publisher: Yale University (Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy), Columbia University (Center for International Earth Science Information Network) / Environmental Sustainability Equality Index (2022); Publisher: Equaldex / LGBTQI+ Rights and Acceptance Calculation of Overall Score The Overall Score is calculated for each country, following three steps: Rescaling of indices to a uniform scaling (0-100) We have decided to work with a scale starting from 0, indicating the most negative outcome, to 100, indicating the most positive outcome. Calculating the geometric mean of all indices used in the tool to get the "Overall Score" Subcategorize the Overall Score in five risk categories with colour gradations. The categories correspond with a recommendation and a warning of how much caution must be exercised when doing business in the respective destination/ country. The calculation of the Overall Score is described in more detail in the downloadable pdf file "Methodology Overall Score". Downloads Methodology overall score 232.26 KB Color Scale The Overall Score is scaled by color. Five color gradations correspond with a recommendation and warning of how much caution must be exercised when doing business in the respective destination/country. Overall Score 0,00 - 19,99 The overall score indicates that there are grave risks for potential human rights violations in this country. This may also include the tourism sector. Overall Score 20,00 - 39,99 The overall score indicates that there are severe risks of potential human rights violations in this country. This may also include the tourism sector. Overall Score 40,00 - 59,99 The overall score indicates that there are substantial risks of potential human rights violations in this country. This may also include the tourism sector. Overall Score 60,00 - 79,99 The overall score indicates that there are medium risks of potential human rights violations in this country. This may also include the tourism sector. Overall Score 80,00 - 100,00 The overall score indicates that there are low risks of potential human rights violations in this country. Still, violations of human rights can always happen. This may also include the tourism sector. Disclaimer The risk map is based on updated data from the risk register developed in 2018 by DER Touristik in cooperation with Löning – Human Rights & Responsible Business and Futouris e.V.. We thank them for the partnership. The map does not claim to be complete or to substitute a comprehensive human rights risk analysis. Human rights due diligence is a continuous process in which impacts and risks should be repeatedly identified and measures reviewed and adjusted for effectiveness. The tool works best as a desktop application. When used as a mobile application, the data may not be displayed in an optimal format. The data was updated in November 2022. More countries are to be added. View also the other sections of our Get Started Tool, implementation guidelines and webinars for further support on human rights due diligence in the tourism value chain. Webinar on the launch of the Guideline from 19.04.2023