Uganda Uganda is a constitutional republic led since 1986 by President Yoweri Museveni of the National Resistance Movement party. In 2021, voters re-elected Museveni to a sixth consecutive five-year term and returned a National Resistance Movement majority to the unicameral parliament. The elections fell short of international standards and included allegations of arbitrary killings and disappearances of opposition supporters, disenfranchisement and voter intimidation, harassment of the opposition, closure of social media websites, and lack of transparency and independence in the Electoral Commission. During 2023, the government enacted the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which expressly criminalized consensual same-sex sexual conduct between adults, proscribing the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” and life imprisonment for “homosexuality.” There were reports that members of the security forces committed numerous abuses, with only a few low-ranking officers purportedly punished. The government did not take credible steps to identify and punish officials who may have committed human rights abuses.The overall score indicates that there are severe risks of potential human rights violations in this country. This may also include the tourism sector. Relevant risks for the tourism sector are, e.g.:Extensive gender-based violence, inc. workplace violenceLaws criminalizing cosensual same-sex sexual conduct between adultsThreats of violence against LGBTQ+ persons Explanation of the score data structure For better comparability, we have converted the original scores of the indices to a uniform scale of 1-100 (1 most negative, 100 most positive). In the following table you find these recalculated values and the original score in brackets behind them. For information and a link to the original index click on "?" in the table. The Overall Score is the geometric mean of all converted values for each country. It is subcategorized in five risk categories with colour gradations that can be seen in the map. You can find more details on the methodology here. Downloads Methodology overall score 232.26 KB Overall Score 38/100 Global Rights Index 30,0/100 (4) Human Development Index 55,0/100 (0,55) Kids Rights Index 52,5/100 (0,525) Children's Rights in the Workplace Index 48,0/100 (5,2) Global Slavery Index 38,0/100 (62,0) Trafficking in persons report 62,5/100 (T2) Global Gender Gap Index 70,6/100 (0,706) Rule of Law Index 30,0/100 (0,39) Fragile States Index 23,8/100 (91,5) Freedom in the World Index 34,0/100 (34) Environmental Performance Index 35,4/100 (35,4) Corruption Perceptions Index 26,0/100 (26) Equality Index 14,0/100 (14)
Explanation of the score data structure For better comparability, we have converted the original scores of the indices to a uniform scale of 1-100 (1 most negative, 100 most positive). In the following table you find these recalculated values and the original score in brackets behind them. For information and a link to the original index click on "?" in the table. The Overall Score is the geometric mean of all converted values for each country. It is subcategorized in five risk categories with colour gradations that can be seen in the map. You can find more details on the methodology here. Downloads Methodology overall score 232.26 KB