Identify the human rights-related impacts caused by your business operations - Step by step! Why should you conduct a human rights impact assessment (HRIA)? To provide you with a more precise understanding of the human rights context of your operations and business relationships in a selected country, and To identify, predict and respond to potential or actual human rights impacts caused by your operations or by your business partners along the value chain. To define and implement suitable follow-up measures to mitigate the identified human rights-related impacts. Phase 1: Business scoping Phase 2: Human rights scoping Phase 3: Preparation Phase 4: On-site assessment Phase 5: Analysis & follow-up measures Phase 1: Business scoping Define your relevant products with a specific geographical scope and identify your key business partners. Step 1.1: Country selection Select your most relevant country based on passenger volume (PAX), strategic importance for your company and existing contacts. Step 1.2: Products & destinations Identify up to three typical products and destinations in the selected country to narrow the scope of your assessment. Step 1.3: Business partner mapping Map your value chain to identify your relevant business partners to be consulted during the on-site assessment. Start with the business scoping Phase 2: Human rights scoping Get an overview of potential and actual human rights issues and identify relevant stakeholders. Step 2.1: Identification of potential human rights issues Identify the potential human rights issues to guide your stakeholder mapping and desk research. Step 2.2: Stakeholder mapping Based on the potential human rights issues previously identified, make sure you find relevant stakeholders who can provide you with expert information on these topics in the context of your assessment. Step 2.3: Guidance for desk research Conduct desk research to get destination-specific information on identified human rights issues and understand the regulatory context. Start with the human rights scoping Phase 3: Preparation Define the exact scope of your assessment, select the stakeholders to be consulted, develop an assessment plan and prepare the consultations. Step 3.1: Selection of stakeholders Select the stakeholders to be consulted during the on-site assessment. Step 3.2: Assessment team & on-site schedule Set up your assessment team and develop your detailed schedule for the on-site assessment. Step 3.3: Preparation of consultations Prepare your consultations by developing different questionnaires for each stakeholder group. Start preparing the on-site assessment Phase 4: On-site assessment Consult stakeholders in the selected destination considering the vulnerability of the rights-holders. Step 4.1: Conducting consultations Select different and appropriate techniques to consult relevant stakeholders most effectively. Allow sufficient time and explain the objectives of the assessment. Step 4.2: Things to consider during on-site consultations Build trust with the participants and show cultural sensitivity and understanding when conducting the interviews. Conduct on-site assessment Phase 5: Analysis & follow-up measures Code and analyse your findings, determine appropriate follow-up measures and communicate your findings and the next steps. Step 5.1: Coding & analysing findings Code the information collected during the consultations and analyse the findings to identify areas of intervention and prepare your final assessment report. Step 5.2: Follow-up measures Determine appropriate follow-up measures to address the impacts identified. Step 5.3: Reporting & communication Write an impact assessment report and communicate publicly about the findings of your on-site assessment and measures taken to mitigate further risks. Analyse findings, identify follow-up measures & communicate If this has not been done yet, please log in or create a new user account to access all features and tables of the human rights impact assessment tool. The entered data can be saved in the tool after login and further processed or exported at a later time. Note: All instructions for conducting an HRIA along the tourism value chain and the guidance materials provided are also publicly accessible. By clicking on the links in the accordions above you will be redirected to the public page of the HRIA tool. User login You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Username Password Create new account Reset password The development of the Get Started Tool was conducted by focusright and funded by the German Government via the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The Human Rights Impact Assessment (Assess Impacts) part of the tool refers to the internationally acknowledged methodology for Human Rights Impact Assessments by the Danish Institute for Human Rights. Human Rights Impact Assessment in Thailand and Myanmar Have a look at our report on a conducted value chain focussed Human Rights Impact Assessment in Thailand and Myanmar from September 2019. The report summarizes the findings, gives recommendations on measures and refers to the methods, instruments and steps relevant for the conduction of a HRIA that are explained in the online tool. Find the report here