Destination Risk Register

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Uzbekistan is a constitutional republic with a political system led by a President and his/her allies. In the last presidential election, President Mirziyoyev won reelection with 80.2 percent of the total votes. A genuine choice of political alternatives was not available to voters because true opposition candidates were unable to register or run for office. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe stated, “while election day was peaceful, significant irregularities were observed and important safeguards were often disregarded during voting, counting, and tabulation.” There were reports that members of the security and law enforcement agencies, particularly police and prison officials, committed abuses. Although the government took some credible steps to identify and punish some officials who may have committed human rights abuses, weak rule of law and a lack of transparency allowed human rights abuses to continue.

The overall score indicates that there are severe risks of potential human rights violations in this country. This may also include the tourism sector. Relevant risks for the tourism sector are, e.g.:
  • Prohibition of independent trade unions or systematic restrictions on workers' freedom of association
  • Extensive gender-based violence
  • Threats of violence against LGBTQ+ persons

For better comparability, we have converted the original scores of the indices to a uniform scale of 1-100 (1 most negative, 100 most positive).

In the following table you find these recalculated values and the original score in brackets behind them.

For information and a link to the original index click on "?" in the table.

The Overall Score is the geometric mean of all converted values for each country. It is subcategorized in five risk categories with colour gradations that can be seen in the map.

You can find more details on the methodology here.

72,7/100 (72,7)
73,9/100 (0,739)
54,0/100 (4,6)
44,0/100 (56,0)
62,5/100 (T2)
50,0/100 (0,5)
44,3/100 (66,8)
12,0/100 (12)
42,9/100 (42,9)
33,0/100 (33)
19,0/100 (19)