Destination Risk Register

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The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven semiautonomous emirates. The rulers of the seven emirates constitute the Federal Supreme Council, the country’s highest legislative and executive body. The council selects a president and a vice president from its membership, and the president appoints the prime minister and cabinet. The emirates are under patriarchal rule with political allegiance defined by loyalty to tribal leaders, leaders of the individual emirates, and leaders of the federation. A limited, appointed electorate participates in periodic elections for the partially elected Federal National Council, a consultative body that examines, reviews, and recommends changes to legislation and may discuss topics for legislation. The government investigated, prosecuted, and punished some officials who committed abuses, primarily official financial crimes. There was no publicly available information on whether authorities investigated complaints of other abuses, including prison conditions and mistreatment, or prosecuted and punished officials in connection with these complaints.

The overall score indicates that there are substantial risks of potential human rights violations in this country. This may also include the tourism sector. Relevant risks for the tourism sector are, e.g.:
  • Outlawing of independent trade unions or significant restrictions on workers' freedom of association
  • Existence of laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual activity between adults

For better comparability, we have converted the original scores of the indices to a uniform scale of 1-100 (1 most negative, 100 most positive).

In the following table you find these recalculated values and the original score in brackets behind them.

For information and a link to the original index click on "?" in the table.

The Overall Score is the geometric mean of all converted values for each country. It is subcategorized in five risk categories with colour gradations that can be seen in the map.

You can find more details on the methodology here.

10,0/100 (5)
91,1/100 (0,911)
74,9/100 (0,749)
43,0/100 (5,7)
73,2/100 (26,8)
62,5/100 (T2)
71,6/100 (0,716)
63,0/100 (0,63)
67,4/100 (39,1)
17,0/100 (17)
52,4/100 (52,4)
69,0/100 (69)
14,0/100 (14)