The Resource Center provides existing studies, websites, tools, databases and further information on Human Rights in general, and with focus on tourism. If you know further resources, please info [at] humanrights-in-tourism [dot] net (subject: Resource%20Center) (let us know) and we are glad to add them. Type of publication Article / NewsBrochures / FactsheetsCase Studies / Examples Certification / IndicatorsInformation Platforms / Counselling / NetworkStudies / Research / ReportTools / Guidelines / Training Language EnglishFrenchGerman Author / Editor A Finn Partners CompanyABN AMRO Group N.V.ABTAAccentureAdhikari K. P.Agentur für Wirtschaft & Entwicklung [AWE]Alba SudAllBrightAmnesty InternationalAsker S.Association of Southeast Asian Nations [ASEAN]Association of Tourism for AllAustralian National UniversityB Corp Climate CollectiveB Lab UKB.Bansal T.Baum T.Belvera PartnersBetter Care NetworkBhatia B.BondBoronyak L.Bread for the WorldBridge GroupBritish Institute of International and Comparative LawBrunswickBusiness & Human Rights Resource CentreBusiness and Human Rights Asia-Pacific [B+HR]Business and Sustainable Development CommissionBusiness Call to ActionBusiness Council for Sustainable Development [WBCSD]Business for Social Responsibility [BSR]Carrard N.CatchOnCDA Collaborative Learning ProjectsCenter for Global DevelopmentCentre Stage: Women's empowerment during the COVID-19 recoveryChandraCharest E.Children’s Rights and Business Principles [CRBP]ChildSafe movementCivicusCleaner ShipsClifford ChanceCo-operatives UKCole S.Color RainbowCOMCEC Coordination Office [CCO]Community Back PocketCorporate Europe ObservatoryCorporate Human Rights Benchmark [CHRB]Council for Sustainable Business [CSB]Council of EuropeCrabtree B.CSR EuropeD.Danish Institute for Human Rights [DIHR]Darnton JesusDelgadoDeloitteDempster H.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ]Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge [DKKV]DiCicco-Bloom B.Dilshad R. M.Dr. Beirman D.Due Diligence DesignE.EarthRights InternationalEcological Tourism in EuropeECOTRANS e.V.ECPATECPAT Deutschlandecpat GermanyECPAT InternationalendevaEquality in TourismEquationsEthical Trading InitativeEthical TravelerEuropean Coalition for Corporate Justice [ECCJ]European CommissionEuropean Network for Accessible Tourism [ENAT]European Tourism Going Green [ETTG] 2030European Travel Commission [ETC]European Union Agency for Fundamental RightsExoFoundationExponential Roadmap InitiativeFair Wear FoundationfairunterwegsFederal Foreign Office GermanyFederal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs GermanyFerraz J.focusrightForest Peoples ProgramForget Me Not Australia [FMN]Forum for the FutureFreehills H. S.Friedrich Ebert StiftungFriends of the Earth EuropeFundación ACFundación ONCEFutourisG AdventuresG Adventures Responsible TravelGATE – Netzwerk, Tourismus, KulturGenc V.Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance [DCAF]German Institute for Human RightsGesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ]GläßerGlenise Pike L.Global Business Inititative [GBI]Global Campus of Human RightsGlobal Compact Network AustraliaGlobal Compact Network GermanyGlobal Compact Network NetherlandsGlobal Compact Network UKGlobal Policy ForumGlobal Reporting Initiative [GRI]Global Sustainable Tourism Council [GSTC]Global Tourism Plastics Initiativeglobal verantwortlich BWglobalditglokal e.V.Goldstein D. G.Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development at Chalmers University of TechnologyGötzmann N.GreenviewGuzi M.H.Hamburger Stiftung für WirtschaftsethikHarris S.Harvard Kennedy SchoolHarvard Learning InsightsHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthHauser ExkursionenHawke A.Helpdesk Business & Human RightsHiggins-Desbiolles F.Høvsgaard R.Human Rights Measurement Initiative [HRMI]Human Rights WatchIGLTA FoundationImpact Travel AllianceinatourIndigenous Tourism Association of CanadaInitiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services [IDEALS-Philippines]Institut für Nachhaltigen TourismusInstitute for Human Rights and Business [IHRB]Institute for Public Policy and GovernanceInstitute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia [ISEA]Institute for Sustainable FuturesInternational Air Transport Association [IATA]International Centre for Responsible Tourism Leeds Metropolitan UniversityInternational Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels [UNESCO]International Children's CenterInternational Ecotourism Society [TIES]International Federation for Human RightsInternational Journal of CrimeInternational Labour Organization [ILO]International Social Tourism Organisation [ISTO]International Tourism Partnership [ITP]International Trade CentreInternational Trade Union Confederation [ITUC]International Training Centre of the International Labour OrganizationIntrepid TravelIOEISEAL AllianceJ.Jakob Ch.JosephKalisch A.Kara S.Key West Committee for SaferKnowTheChainKonrad Adenauer StiftungKoscak M. et al.Krueger R. A.KuoniKuptsch C.Latif M. I.Law and Social IssuesLenzen et al.LinkedInLiving Wage FoundationLonely PlanetLöning Human Rights & Responsible BusinessLuc Hoffmann InstituteLumosLuthenM.M. M.Macht R.MartinMazarsMeissler Ch.Mekong ClubMetro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal ClinicMinderoo FoundationMinderoo Foundation’s Walk Free InitiativeMinority Rights Group InternationalMizziModern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence CentreModern Slavery UnitMVO NederlandMyanmar Centre for Responsible Business [MCRB]Myanmar Responsible Tourism Institute [MRTI]Native Land DigitalNaturefriends InternationalNaturfreunde Internationale - respectNeef A.Netherlands Ministry of Foreign AffairsNeuroth C.Next Generation NepalNomoGaiaNordic Union - HRCTNYU Stern Center for Business and Human RightsOECDOffice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights [OHCHR]Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [OHCHR]Ohio State Wexner Medical CenterOne Planet Sustainable Tourism ProgrammeOxfamOxfam CanadaPacific Asia Travel Association [PATA]Pacific Asia Travel Organisation [PATA]Paddon M.Park J.Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality [PGLE]Pellot B.People 1stPfeifferPhocusWirePillar TwoPirzer Ch.Plan NepalPoulsen-Hansen C.PunakspwcR.RADI-AIDRafto Foundation for Human Rights and Sexual Minorities UgandaRainforest AllianceRaphael A.Regenerative TravelRegional Action Group of the Americas for the prevention of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism [GARA]Remmer S.Responsible Ecological Social Tour-RESTResponsible Tourism Partnership Responsible TravelReuters EventsRoundtable Human Rights in TourismRoutledge Taylor & Francis GroupRyanS.Salvador Almela M.Samson A.Save the ChildrenScheyvens R. A.SchmitzSchyst ResandeSecretariat of the Convention on Biological DiversitySerpa S.Shah A. M.Sherman II J. F.ShiftShiva FoundationShrivastava P.Sinkovics R. R.Siriner Önver M.Social Accountability International [SAI]Social Mobility CommissionSociety for Threatened PeoplesSolimar InternationalStop Slavery Hotel Industry NetworkSTOP THE TRAFFIKStronger TogetherStudienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V.StudiosusSuansri P.Subedi G.SurvivalSustainable Hospitality AllianceSustainable Tourism Network [SNV]SwisscontactTeberga A.Tedaldi J.Tewes-Gradl Ch.Thailand Community Based Tourism Institute [CBT-I]The International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC]The City of ReykjavíkThe CodeThe Economist GroupTHE EU ECO-TANDEM PROGRAMMEThe Oakland InstituteThe Ocean FoundationThe Sustainable Trade InitiativeThe Travel FoundationThe World Bank GroupThomas CoombesThomson Reuters FoundationTourCertTourism 2030Tourism ConcernTourism DeclaresTourism WatchTransport of LondonTravel UnityTravel Without GroupTUI AG GrouptwentyfiftyU.U.S. Department of LaborU.S. Department of StateUN Global CompactUN Global Compact Network GermanyUN Global Compact Network Switzerland & LiechtensteinUN WomenUN Working Group on Business and Human RightsUNA-UKUNEP Finance InitiativeUNICEFUnited Nations [UN]United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]United Nations Department of Economic and Social AffairsUnited Nations Environment Programme [UNEP]United Nations Global CompactUnited Nations Human Rights [UNHR]University of Gothenburg/Sustainable Development Solutions Network [SDSN] Northern EuropeUniversity of HawaiiUniversity of Technology SydneyUppsala Conflict Data Program [UCDP]Utermöhlen N.Valenzuela D.van Gaalen M.Västmanland TourismVerisk MaplecroftVietnam Chamber of Commerce and IndustryVisitEnglandVohs K. D.WageIndicatorWageningen University and Research Centre [WUR]WakefieldWalk Free FoundationWeaving Women’s Voices in Southeast Asia [WEAVE]Where Change StartedWIEGOWikiRateWild AsiaWindfuhr M.Wintersteiner W.WISATAWohlmuther C.Women WinWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development [wbcsd]World Economic Forum [WEF]World EducationWorld Expeditions Travel GroupWorld Tourism Organization [UNWTO]World Travel & Tourism CouncilWorld Vision AustraliaWrzoncki E.Wündsch M.WWFWynhovenWyser B.Yasar UniversityZagelmeyer S.Zimmer C. Topic Business TravelChildren's RightsClimate ChangeCode of ConductCommunity ImpactCommunity-based Tourism [CBT]Consumer AwarenessCorporate Social Responsibility [CSR]COVID-19Crisis ManagementDisability RightsDiversity & InclusionDue DiligenceEnvironmentEqualityGenderGeneral Human Rights InformationGrievance MechanismsHospitalityHuman Rights EducationHuman Rights Impact Assessment [HRIA]Human Rights PolicyHuman Rights Risk Assessment [HRRA]Human TraffickingImpact AssessmentIndigenous Peoples / Minorities RightsIntercultural UnderstandingL.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+Labour RightsLand RightsLiving WageMigrant WorkersModern SlaveryNational Action PlanNon-profitPeace and ConflictRisk AssessmentSexual Exploitation/Sexual HarassmentSlum TourismStakeholder EngagementSupply ChainSustainabilitySustainable Development Goals [SDGs]Tour operatorTourism DevelopmentTourism StakeholderTourism StatisticsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs]VoluntourismWomen's Rights/Women Empowerment Country focus AustraliaBarbadosCambodiaCanadaCubaDominican RepublicGermanyHaitiIcelandIndiaIndonesiaKenyaLaosLiechtensteinMexicoMyanmarNepalQatarSouth AfricaSpainSri LankaSwedenSwitzerlandTanzaniaThailandTurkeyUgandaUnited KingdomVietnam Sector Cross-sectoralOther sectorTourism-specific Search topics Sort by Publication date (Ascending)Publication date (Descending)Length (Number of Pages) (Ascending)Length (Number of Pages) (Descending) Introduction to Just Transition A Business Brief Confronting the climate crisis requires decisive and coherent action. The Business Brief provides an introduction to the role of business in ensuring a just transition for all, covering just transition’s foundation and meaning, priority actions for businesses, relevant areas of work and the business case. Moreover, it outlines seven priority actions to help all companies understand the principles, identify gaps in current practices and generate ideas for improving alignment. Author(s) / Editor(s) United Nations Global Compact Topic(s) Climate ChangeEnvironment Year of publication 2022 Length 30 pages more … Is your business child safe? Website No matter where we are in the world, we each have a responsibility towards children, especially in protecting from exploitation and abuse. This tool is designed to support businesses in the travel and tourism and ICT industry in assessing and understanding risks in relation to child sexual exploitation and/or trafficking and in taking action to protect children. It focuses specifically on the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in relation to travel and tourism. Author(s) / Editor(s) The Code Topic(s) Children's RightsRisk Assessment Year of publication 2022 more … Kinderrechte im Fokus - Den Neustart des Tourismus gestalten Strategien zur Förderung von Kinderrechten für Reiseunternehmen Kinder sind im Tourismus allgegenwärtig – insbesondere bei Reisen in Länder Afrikas, Asiens und Lateinamerikas. Es ist wichtig, sowohl die Risiken für Kinder in den Destinationen zu verstehen als auch die sich wandelnden Reisetrends gezielt in den Blick zu nehmen ohne dabei die bereits existierenden Risiken aus dem Auge zu verlieren. Diese Publikation gibt Reiseunternehmen Hintergrundinformationen und Maßnahmen an die Hand, um Minderjährige entlang der Wertschöpfungskette zu schützen. Author(s) / Editor(s) ECPAT DeutschlandBread for the WorldRoundtable Human Rights in Tourism Topic(s) Children's RightsDue Diligence Year of publication 2022 Length 31 pages more … Myanmar enhanced due diligence sectoral assessment Findings and considerations from the assessment on business and human rights for the garment sector in Myanmar This report provides the findings of a sectoral assessment of the context and current situation with respect to responsible business conduct, and specifically human rights, linked to the export-oriented garment sector in Myanmar. Focusing on human rights risks linked to the Myanmar garment sector value chain exporting to Europe and the United Kingdom, the assessment covers the period following the military coup d’état, i.e. 1 February 2021 to July 2022. Author(s) / Editor(s) Due Diligence Design Topic(s) Due DiligenceImpact Assessment Year of publication 2022 Length 142 pages more … National Baseline Assessment Beitrag zur Fortschreibung des Nationalen Aktionsplans Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte Das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte (DIMR) wurde 2021 vom Auswärtigen Amt beauftragt, ein National Baseline Assessment (NBA) für die Fortschreibung des Nationalen Aktionsplans Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte (NAP) zu erstellen und Vorschläge für die Ausgestaltung der Fortschreibung des NAPs zu entwickeln. Die Analyse zeichnet ein Bild vom Umsetzungsstand der UNGPs in Deutschland, benennt Umsetzungsdefizite in Form von Prüfaufträgen und gibt konkrete Empfehlungen zur Fortschreibung des NAP. Author(s) / Editor(s) Wündsch M.Windfuhr M. Topic(s) National Action Plan Year of publication 2022 Length 72 pages more … Native Land Website Native Land is an app to help map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages in a way that goes beyond colonial ways of thinking and changes, challenges, and improves the way people see history and the present day. The platform provides educational resources to correct the way that people speak about colonialism and indigeneity, and to encourage territory awareness in everyday speech and action. Author(s) / Editor(s) Native Land Digital Topic(s) Indigenous Peoples / Minorities RightsCommunity ImpactTourism Development Year of publication 2022 more … Nature Handbook for Business: Tourism Sector Website Get Nature Positive provides access to the latest news, updates, partners, and exclusive events to help businesses on their way towards a nature positive approach that puts nature and biodiversity gain at the heart of decision-making. By joining the journey, businesses can demonstrate the business community’s collective focus on protecting and restoring nature. The campaign and Nature Handbook have been developed to prompt leaders to take urgent and decisive nature positive action. Author(s) / Editor(s) Council for Sustainable Business [CSB] Topic(s) EnvironmentSustainabilityTourism Development Year of publication 2022 more … One Step at a Time: Creating Workforce Equity for Porters Website The article highlights that treks like the Inca Trail and expeditions in the Himalayas have long been subject to inequity, mistreatment, and gender inequality. Being inconceivable without porters, these treks involve porters being mistreated and exploited. To address this issue, the author provides insights on what's being done to create equitable conditions—and how tourists can make a positive impact. Author(s) / Editor(s) de JesusM. M. Topic(s) Labour RightsConsumer Awareness Year of publication 2022 more … Preventing exploitation of temporary migrant workers – what can your hotel do? Website Temporary labour is vital within the hospitality industry and provides new prospects for job seekers, but it can leave some people vulnerable. The article sheds light on the topic of preventing exploitation of temporary migrant workers and provides guidance on steps hotels can take to address risks when recruiting temporary workers. Finally, it covers five recommendations made by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and links additional resources on taking action for hotels. Author(s) / Editor(s) Sustainable Hospitality Alliance Topic(s) HospitalityMigrant WorkersLabour RightsModern Slavery Year of publication 2022 more … Preventing the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (GARA) The tourism sector plays a fundamental role in the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and tour guides can be key allies. The Regional Action Group of the Americas for the prevention of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (GARA) created a tool to strengthen the capacities of tour guides to protect children. It provides them with actionable guidelines for preventing, identifying, and reporting suspected situations of sexual exploitation and/or child labour. Author(s) / Editor(s) Regional Action Group of the Americas for the prevention of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism [GARA] Topic(s) Children's RightsSexual Exploitation/Sexual HarassmentDue Diligence Year of publication 2022 Length 6 pages more … Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals The Gender Snapshot 2022 The Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2022 presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 goals, calling out the long road ahead to achieve gender equality. The report shows that the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030. COVID-19 and the backlash against women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are further diminishing the outlook for gender equality. Author(s) / Editor(s) UN WomenUnited Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Topic(s) Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]EqualityWomen's Rights/Women EmpowermentGender Year of publication 2022 Length 31 pages more … Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 Companies play a key role in advancing the green transition and protecting human rights. They are required to identify and prevent, end or mitigate adverse impacts of their activities on human rights, such as child labour and exploitation of workers, and on the environment. The proposal adopted by the European Commission aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. Author(s) / Editor(s) European Commission Topic(s) Due Diligence Year of publication 2022 Length 70 pages more … Rebuilding tourism in Asia-Pacific: A more conscious traveller? Covid-19 has changed travel in many ways. This report by Economist Impact, and sponsored by Airbnb, explores the recovery of tourism in the Asia-Pacific region. It looks at ways in which travel could change with the rise of the conscious traveller. It is based on extensive desk research and a survey of more than 4,500 travellers from across the region. Author(s) / Editor(s) The Economist Group Topic(s) Consumer AwarenessCOVID-19Stakeholder Engagement Year of publication 2022 Length 22 pages more … Resilience Analysis Guideline for Tourism Destinations Introducing key concepts and methodological steps to analyse destination resilience Forming part of the wider collaboration between Futouris and the German Committee for Disaster Reduction, the guideline introduces conceptual ideas, key terms and underlying concepts about resilience in tourism destinations. Consisting of five steps, the guideline provides hands-on examples from pilot destinations in the Dominican Republic, Namibia and Sri Lanka. Moreover, good practice methodologies and advice on how to implement the steps in practice are provided. Author(s) / Editor(s) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ]FutourisDeutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge [DKKV] Topic(s) COVID-19Crisis Management Year of publication 2022 Length 52 pages more … Responsible business conduct and the tourism industry in Vietnam Guidance for Companies Tourism plays an important role in Vietnam’s economy by creating jobs, infrastructure and market opportunities. As Vietnam’s tourism industry expands, the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry have partnered to produce guidance for companies operating in the tourism industry in Vietnam. The guidance aims to strengthen business capability and equip future business leaders to promote responsible business conduct and respect for human rights in Vietnam. Author(s) / Editor(s) Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Topic(s) Due DiligenceUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs] Year of publication 2022 Length 63 pages more … Rethinking Tourism: From Crisis to Transformation: World Tourism Day 2022 Report World Tourism Day 2022 came at a pivotal moment for the sector. Tourism’s relevance has never been clearer. The time is now to seize this opportunity to rethink and transform tourism and also to rethink how to communicate the transformation. This Report is designed to examine the work of UNWTO as it leads the global tourism sector out of crisis and into the future. It provides an overview of key work in each global region and both the economic and the social impact of travel restrictions. Author(s) / Editor(s) World Tourism Organization [UNWTO] Topic(s) COVID-19Crisis ManagementSustainable Development Goals [SDGs] Year of publication 2022 Length 59 pages more … Roadmap on Living Wages A Platform to Secure Living Wages in Supply Chains The Roadmap on Living Wages is a platform that works to strengthen international alignment and to build tangible solutions regarding living wage. The Roadmap is a joint effort of companies, international and sustainability organizations interested in advancing living wage efforts. So far, this resulted in the realization of several tools that can be used by companies to support efforts to closing living wage gaps. Author(s) / Editor(s) The Sustainable Trade Initiative Topic(s) Labour RightsSupply ChainLiving Wage Year of publication 2022 more … Science-based climate targets as the basis for a corporate climate strategy Discussion Paper Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time and is now more than ever a major concern in the global economy. The discussion paper provides context and covers challenges and questions related to science-based climate targets as the basis for a corporate climate strategy. Author(s) / Editor(s) UN Global Compact Network Germany Topic(s) Climate ChangeEnvironment Year of publication 2022 Length 24 pages more … Seeing Hope: A Visual Communications Guide for Human Rights Website This guide is part of Reimagining Human Rights, a project by Fine Acts and hope-based comms, supported by Open Society Foundations. For the project, 40 artists from around the world were commissioned to create new work, reimagining how we envision, speak about and visualise human rights. All the artworks in this guide are published under an open license and are free to use and adapt non-commercially. Author(s) / Editor(s) Thomas Coombes Topic(s) Consumer Awareness Year of publication 2022 more … Sustainability Reporting and Human Rights What can big data analysis tell us about corporate respect for human rights? One of the weak points of human rights management in companies continues to be a lack of transparency and communication of their efforts, progress, outcomes and challenges. To address these challenges, DIHR developed a project which aimed to use algorithm assisted analysis of a large number of company reports maintained in the GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database against a set of human rights indicators. This paper sets out the methodology used, the challenges and limitations encountered. Author(s) / Editor(s) Danish Institute for Human Rights [DIHR] Topic(s) Due DiligenceUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs] Year of publication 2022 Length 30 pages more … Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 2 Next page ››
Introduction to Just Transition A Business Brief Confronting the climate crisis requires decisive and coherent action. The Business Brief provides an introduction to the role of business in ensuring a just transition for all, covering just transition’s foundation and meaning, priority actions for businesses, relevant areas of work and the business case. Moreover, it outlines seven priority actions to help all companies understand the principles, identify gaps in current practices and generate ideas for improving alignment. Author(s) / Editor(s) United Nations Global Compact Topic(s) Climate ChangeEnvironment Year of publication 2022 Length 30 pages more …
Is your business child safe? Website No matter where we are in the world, we each have a responsibility towards children, especially in protecting from exploitation and abuse. This tool is designed to support businesses in the travel and tourism and ICT industry in assessing and understanding risks in relation to child sexual exploitation and/or trafficking and in taking action to protect children. It focuses specifically on the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in relation to travel and tourism. Author(s) / Editor(s) The Code Topic(s) Children's RightsRisk Assessment Year of publication 2022 more …
Kinderrechte im Fokus - Den Neustart des Tourismus gestalten Strategien zur Förderung von Kinderrechten für Reiseunternehmen Kinder sind im Tourismus allgegenwärtig – insbesondere bei Reisen in Länder Afrikas, Asiens und Lateinamerikas. Es ist wichtig, sowohl die Risiken für Kinder in den Destinationen zu verstehen als auch die sich wandelnden Reisetrends gezielt in den Blick zu nehmen ohne dabei die bereits existierenden Risiken aus dem Auge zu verlieren. Diese Publikation gibt Reiseunternehmen Hintergrundinformationen und Maßnahmen an die Hand, um Minderjährige entlang der Wertschöpfungskette zu schützen. Author(s) / Editor(s) ECPAT DeutschlandBread for the WorldRoundtable Human Rights in Tourism Topic(s) Children's RightsDue Diligence Year of publication 2022 Length 31 pages more …
Myanmar enhanced due diligence sectoral assessment Findings and considerations from the assessment on business and human rights for the garment sector in Myanmar This report provides the findings of a sectoral assessment of the context and current situation with respect to responsible business conduct, and specifically human rights, linked to the export-oriented garment sector in Myanmar. Focusing on human rights risks linked to the Myanmar garment sector value chain exporting to Europe and the United Kingdom, the assessment covers the period following the military coup d’état, i.e. 1 February 2021 to July 2022. Author(s) / Editor(s) Due Diligence Design Topic(s) Due DiligenceImpact Assessment Year of publication 2022 Length 142 pages more …
National Baseline Assessment Beitrag zur Fortschreibung des Nationalen Aktionsplans Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte Das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte (DIMR) wurde 2021 vom Auswärtigen Amt beauftragt, ein National Baseline Assessment (NBA) für die Fortschreibung des Nationalen Aktionsplans Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte (NAP) zu erstellen und Vorschläge für die Ausgestaltung der Fortschreibung des NAPs zu entwickeln. Die Analyse zeichnet ein Bild vom Umsetzungsstand der UNGPs in Deutschland, benennt Umsetzungsdefizite in Form von Prüfaufträgen und gibt konkrete Empfehlungen zur Fortschreibung des NAP. Author(s) / Editor(s) Wündsch M.Windfuhr M. Topic(s) National Action Plan Year of publication 2022 Length 72 pages more …
Native Land Website Native Land is an app to help map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages in a way that goes beyond colonial ways of thinking and changes, challenges, and improves the way people see history and the present day. The platform provides educational resources to correct the way that people speak about colonialism and indigeneity, and to encourage territory awareness in everyday speech and action. Author(s) / Editor(s) Native Land Digital Topic(s) Indigenous Peoples / Minorities RightsCommunity ImpactTourism Development Year of publication 2022 more …
Nature Handbook for Business: Tourism Sector Website Get Nature Positive provides access to the latest news, updates, partners, and exclusive events to help businesses on their way towards a nature positive approach that puts nature and biodiversity gain at the heart of decision-making. By joining the journey, businesses can demonstrate the business community’s collective focus on protecting and restoring nature. The campaign and Nature Handbook have been developed to prompt leaders to take urgent and decisive nature positive action. Author(s) / Editor(s) Council for Sustainable Business [CSB] Topic(s) EnvironmentSustainabilityTourism Development Year of publication 2022 more …
One Step at a Time: Creating Workforce Equity for Porters Website The article highlights that treks like the Inca Trail and expeditions in the Himalayas have long been subject to inequity, mistreatment, and gender inequality. Being inconceivable without porters, these treks involve porters being mistreated and exploited. To address this issue, the author provides insights on what's being done to create equitable conditions—and how tourists can make a positive impact. Author(s) / Editor(s) de JesusM. M. Topic(s) Labour RightsConsumer Awareness Year of publication 2022 more …
Preventing exploitation of temporary migrant workers – what can your hotel do? Website Temporary labour is vital within the hospitality industry and provides new prospects for job seekers, but it can leave some people vulnerable. The article sheds light on the topic of preventing exploitation of temporary migrant workers and provides guidance on steps hotels can take to address risks when recruiting temporary workers. Finally, it covers five recommendations made by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and links additional resources on taking action for hotels. Author(s) / Editor(s) Sustainable Hospitality Alliance Topic(s) HospitalityMigrant WorkersLabour RightsModern Slavery Year of publication 2022 more …
Preventing the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (GARA) The tourism sector plays a fundamental role in the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and tour guides can be key allies. The Regional Action Group of the Americas for the prevention of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (GARA) created a tool to strengthen the capacities of tour guides to protect children. It provides them with actionable guidelines for preventing, identifying, and reporting suspected situations of sexual exploitation and/or child labour. Author(s) / Editor(s) Regional Action Group of the Americas for the prevention of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism [GARA] Topic(s) Children's RightsSexual Exploitation/Sexual HarassmentDue Diligence Year of publication 2022 Length 6 pages more …
Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals The Gender Snapshot 2022 The Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2022 presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 goals, calling out the long road ahead to achieve gender equality. The report shows that the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030. COVID-19 and the backlash against women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are further diminishing the outlook for gender equality. Author(s) / Editor(s) UN WomenUnited Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Topic(s) Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]EqualityWomen's Rights/Women EmpowermentGender Year of publication 2022 Length 31 pages more …
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 Companies play a key role in advancing the green transition and protecting human rights. They are required to identify and prevent, end or mitigate adverse impacts of their activities on human rights, such as child labour and exploitation of workers, and on the environment. The proposal adopted by the European Commission aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. Author(s) / Editor(s) European Commission Topic(s) Due Diligence Year of publication 2022 Length 70 pages more …
Rebuilding tourism in Asia-Pacific: A more conscious traveller? Covid-19 has changed travel in many ways. This report by Economist Impact, and sponsored by Airbnb, explores the recovery of tourism in the Asia-Pacific region. It looks at ways in which travel could change with the rise of the conscious traveller. It is based on extensive desk research and a survey of more than 4,500 travellers from across the region. Author(s) / Editor(s) The Economist Group Topic(s) Consumer AwarenessCOVID-19Stakeholder Engagement Year of publication 2022 Length 22 pages more …
Resilience Analysis Guideline for Tourism Destinations Introducing key concepts and methodological steps to analyse destination resilience Forming part of the wider collaboration between Futouris and the German Committee for Disaster Reduction, the guideline introduces conceptual ideas, key terms and underlying concepts about resilience in tourism destinations. Consisting of five steps, the guideline provides hands-on examples from pilot destinations in the Dominican Republic, Namibia and Sri Lanka. Moreover, good practice methodologies and advice on how to implement the steps in practice are provided. Author(s) / Editor(s) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ]FutourisDeutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge [DKKV] Topic(s) COVID-19Crisis Management Year of publication 2022 Length 52 pages more …
Responsible business conduct and the tourism industry in Vietnam Guidance for Companies Tourism plays an important role in Vietnam’s economy by creating jobs, infrastructure and market opportunities. As Vietnam’s tourism industry expands, the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry have partnered to produce guidance for companies operating in the tourism industry in Vietnam. The guidance aims to strengthen business capability and equip future business leaders to promote responsible business conduct and respect for human rights in Vietnam. Author(s) / Editor(s) Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Topic(s) Due DiligenceUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs] Year of publication 2022 Length 63 pages more …
Rethinking Tourism: From Crisis to Transformation: World Tourism Day 2022 Report World Tourism Day 2022 came at a pivotal moment for the sector. Tourism’s relevance has never been clearer. The time is now to seize this opportunity to rethink and transform tourism and also to rethink how to communicate the transformation. This Report is designed to examine the work of UNWTO as it leads the global tourism sector out of crisis and into the future. It provides an overview of key work in each global region and both the economic and the social impact of travel restrictions. Author(s) / Editor(s) World Tourism Organization [UNWTO] Topic(s) COVID-19Crisis ManagementSustainable Development Goals [SDGs] Year of publication 2022 Length 59 pages more …
Roadmap on Living Wages A Platform to Secure Living Wages in Supply Chains The Roadmap on Living Wages is a platform that works to strengthen international alignment and to build tangible solutions regarding living wage. The Roadmap is a joint effort of companies, international and sustainability organizations interested in advancing living wage efforts. So far, this resulted in the realization of several tools that can be used by companies to support efforts to closing living wage gaps. Author(s) / Editor(s) The Sustainable Trade Initiative Topic(s) Labour RightsSupply ChainLiving Wage Year of publication 2022 more …
Science-based climate targets as the basis for a corporate climate strategy Discussion Paper Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time and is now more than ever a major concern in the global economy. The discussion paper provides context and covers challenges and questions related to science-based climate targets as the basis for a corporate climate strategy. Author(s) / Editor(s) UN Global Compact Network Germany Topic(s) Climate ChangeEnvironment Year of publication 2022 Length 24 pages more …
Seeing Hope: A Visual Communications Guide for Human Rights Website This guide is part of Reimagining Human Rights, a project by Fine Acts and hope-based comms, supported by Open Society Foundations. For the project, 40 artists from around the world were commissioned to create new work, reimagining how we envision, speak about and visualise human rights. All the artworks in this guide are published under an open license and are free to use and adapt non-commercially. Author(s) / Editor(s) Thomas Coombes Topic(s) Consumer Awareness Year of publication 2022 more …
Sustainability Reporting and Human Rights What can big data analysis tell us about corporate respect for human rights? One of the weak points of human rights management in companies continues to be a lack of transparency and communication of their efforts, progress, outcomes and challenges. To address these challenges, DIHR developed a project which aimed to use algorithm assisted analysis of a large number of company reports maintained in the GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database against a set of human rights indicators. This paper sets out the methodology used, the challenges and limitations encountered. Author(s) / Editor(s) Danish Institute for Human Rights [DIHR] Topic(s) Due DiligenceUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs] Year of publication 2022 Length 30 pages more …