Take actionPolicy and process Integrate clauses in the (Supplier) Code of Conduct to respect local communities and to prevent the exacerbation of ongoing or the creation of new (legal) disputes over land ownership through hotels and accommodation offers (business partners). Impact assessment Consult local stakeholders and potentially affected rightsholders in the context of an in-depth human rights impact assessment on potential/actual issues related to the hotel industry. Training and capacity building Offer trainings and capacity building measures on community impact and inclusion of hotels and accommodation offers for direct suppliers or encourage business partners to carry out such trainings themselves. Offer trainings and capacity building for locally-owned guesthouses and hotels on international (quality) standards to ensure they can receive international tourists. Responsible product development Consider the needs of and potential impacts on local communities when planning new accommodation offers. Find more information on potential measures to take on the "take action" site. Take action
Analyse country-specific risksLearn more about potential human rights risks when operating in a specific country.Analyse country-specific risks