Analyse country-specific risks

This section helps you to assess country-specific human rights risks for your company by using publicly available information on existing platforms. It describes how you can access and use such information most effectively. 

Step 1: Define your priority countries from a business perspective:

List the five countries that:

  • are most important for your business in terms of volume (turnover/PAX) and;
  • you consider to be of the highest strategic importance for your business (e.g. as a future destination)

Step 2: Get informed about the human rights situation in the prioritized countries by using our destination risk map and e.g. the platforms below.

Step 3: Compare the country-specific human rights risks with the risks you identified in the value chain risk assessment.

Step 4: An in-depth human rights impact assessment can be a further step to analyse the company's human rights impacts in a specific country in more details (use our Human Rights Impact Assessment Guidance or have a look at the Take action card on human rights impact assessments for more information).  

This platform was developed to help companies start to identify and address Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) risks in their business activities and supply chains. The CSR Risk Check provides a short test to identify those risks.

How to use it: 

  • Select «risk check»
  • Enter «tourism & catering» under «1. Select a product»
  • Select the country you wish to assess under «2. Select the country / territory of origin».
  • You will be guided step by step through the risk check to identify country- and sector-specific risks


  • Access the world map on the website to get an overview of all human rights related risks in one of your prioritized countries.

The CSR Risk Check also provides a first set of measures to mitigate identified risks and gives you the possibility to save and print qualitative output information and data in an aggregated report.

⇒ Access the CSR Risk Check here.

The UNICEF Child Rights and Business Atlas is a comprehensive tool for identifying human rights related business risks and impacts in a specific country. Each country is given a score, indicating the level of need for company based human rights engagement in it. In addition to the score, the Atlas provides a general overview of potential human rights risks for companies in specific countries.

The Child Rights and Business Atlas not only provides information related to child rights and business, it also gives a broad overview of the general human rights situation in specific countries.

⇒ Access the UNICEF Child Rights and Business Atlas here.