My business and human rights

A guide to human rights for small and medium-sized enterprises

We should also respect the human rights of others. This guide will help you to make sure that your business respects human rights. That means avoiding possible negative impacts on human rights and addressing such impacts if your business is involved with them. This guide has been written for small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union. There is a huge variety of small and medium-sized enterprises within the European Union, and not all of the examples and advice contained in this guide will be equally relevant to all of those enterprises. All enterprises, from small and medium-sized enterprises through to large multinational corporations, have a responsibility to respect human rights. There are a growing number of guides to human rights that have been prepared for larger, multinational companies but there are not many resources available for smaller companies. This guide should help to fill that gap. Although it has been written with EU enterprises in mind, the guide may also be useful for enterprises elsewhere in the world.  For that reason, it is also being published in various other languages in addition to the national languages of EU countries.

Studies / Research / Report
Tools / Guidelines / Training
European Commission
28 pages
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs]
Due Diligence
Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR]