Indigenous Peoples & Tourism

Groups of people who originally populated certain parts of the world, now often marginalised by nation states, are called by many names, for example Aboriginals, First Nations and Native. In recent years the term Indigenous peoples has gained currency to describe these groups, and alongside it has grown the term Indigenous tourism – often subsumed within ‘cultural tourism’. The ‘off the beaten path’ trails once reserved for specialists have now become well-worn paths for millions of tourists searching for ‘authentic’ experiences. This can be positive: it can assist cultural revitalisation and be a force for empowerment. On the other hand, it may see the often marginalised people and their villages becoming mere showcases for tourists, their culture reduced to souvenirs for sale, their environment to be photographed and left without real engagement. This report aims to introduce some of the key issues surrounding Indigenous peoples and tourism. It is split into sections dealing with main themes, offering examples of both good and bad practice. The themes included are: marketing, ecotourism, spirituality, land rights and control. Our aim is to promote discussion and offer guidelines for best practice in this growing industry

Studies / Research / Report
Tools / Guidelines / Training
Tourism Concern
18 pages
Indigenous Peoples / Minorities Rights
Tourism Stakeholder
Community Impact