Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015: Final Report

The world-leading Modern Slavery Act was introduced in2015 to tackle modern slavery in this country and set anexample for other countries seeking to do the same. Four years on, manyeffects ofthe Act are apparent. It gives law enforcement agencies the tools to tackle modern slavery offences, including a maximum life sentencefor perpetrators and enhancedprotectionfor victims. But there are still sadly toofew convictions being handed downfor the new offences prosecutedunder theAct, andtoofew Slavery and Trafficking Prevention and Risk Orders are in place to restrict offender activity. The Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act, conducted by the Baroness ElizabethButler-Sloss, Maria Miller MP andmyself,was establishedto look into the operations andeffectiveness ofthe Act and to suggest potential improvements. Inparticular, we focused onfour topics: transparency in supply chains, the role of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, the Act’s legalapplication, and the safeguarding of child victims of Modern Slavery.

Studies / Research / Report
Modern Slavery Unit
150 pages
Labour Rights
Modern Slavery