Launch: Introducing the Destination Risk Map Wednesday, 19 April 2023, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CEST Language: English Human rights risks in tourism are not only a question of sector or specific business activity. Those risks also depend to a high level on the general human rights situation in a particular country. The UN Guiding Principles (UNGP) explicitly define that businesses are responsible for respecting human rights independently of the state's duty to protect. With the German Supply Chain Act, due diligence gets even more attention and relevance, also for tour operators. When states take no or insufficient action to protect human rights or mitigate risks, due diligence is particularly crucial. Therefore, looking at specific country risks is an important starting point for addressing human rights risks in the value chain. In this webinar, Jara Schreiber, coordinator of the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism, will introduce the new and freely available online "Destination Risk Map" and discuss how this tool can support tourism businesses to start their assessment of human rights risks. The interactive risk map is based on 13 international reputable indices that comprehensively cover various country-specific human rights risk issues with relevance to tourism, such as children's rights, labour rights, freedom rights and environmental sustainability. It currently provides up-to-date information on the human rights situation in 36 destinations that are particularly relevant for European tour operators. The map supports tourism businesses to establish a solid foundation on country-specific risks and is a valuable supplement to the existing "Get Started" tool on the Roundtable website, which helps to identify sector risks in the tourism supply chain. In combination, they support tour operators in their risk prioritisation. This webinar is targeted at tour operators and interested tourism stakeholders and is intended to give an overview of human rights due diligence demands for tour operators introduce the features of the Destination Risk Map show how the tool can support tour operators in their risk analysis CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE DESTINATION RISK MAP The destination risk map provides an initial overview of human rights risk areas in the destinations of tourism companies. It aims to reduce complexity and provide companies with initial information on what they need to pay attention to and can be a basis for profound strategy development and risk analysis regarding human rights due diligence. PLEASE EVALUATE THE WEBINAR HERE Speaker: Jara Schreiber Coordinator Jara works as coordinator for the multi-stakeholder initiative and non-profit association Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism. She holds a degree in Cultural Studies (BA) and Sustainable Tourism Management (MA). Before joining the Roundtable in 2017, Jara has has worked, among others, for a sustainable tourism development consultancy and a tour operator specialised in Madagascar. She has profound experience in the fields of sustainable tourism and development as well as business and human rights. The Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism builds a trusted network of currently 34 tourism stakeholders from six countries. It provides access to expertise, initiates pilot projects and develops learning materials to support the implementation of human rights due diligence in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles within tourism companies, the supply chain and in destinations.