Our International Symposium"Human Rights in Practice: Equality in Tourism" on 27 June 2019 in Utrecht, Netherlands was attended by 60 tourism experts from various European countries. The inputs and presentations by the speakers, the discussion during the panel, the impulses and debates in the working groups as well as the sharing of experiences and ideas created a very fruitful day. Please find the DETAILED DOCUMENTATION OF THE SYMPOSIUM HERE. --------------------------------------------------- Equality in tourism has many different dimensions: From gender equality and non-discrimination of migrant workers to the respect of children’s rights. From decent and family-friendly working hours and equal wages to women empowerment. And from accessible tourism products to the participation of local communities and vulnerable groups in tourism development processes, to name only a few. With its extensive and fragmented supply chain in various destinations, high seasonality and day and night service demand, with more and more areas of work being outsourced and put on temporary work, respecting equality can be challenging for tourism stakeholders. How can tour operators implement equality along the supply chain? How can they put aspects of equality in practice on an operational level? How can existing challenges be tackled? The Symposium offers possibilities to discuss various aspects of equality in tourism and will cover topics like gender equality, fair working conditions and outsourcing challenges. Upcoming ideas and practical, already implemented approaches are collected and documented as inspiration and assistance for tourism businesses. The focus of the symposium lies on an inspirational introduction of concepts for fair and equal working conditions in business operations from various sectors the sharing of concrete best practice examples and experiences how to actively integrate equality aspects into tourism practice, as well as creating an intensive exchange of ideas and mutual learning on how to develop and implement decent working conditions along the tourism supply chain and how to create appropriate tourism offers to support equality ---------------------------------------------------- We are planning to conduct another symposium on human rights in tourism in the end of June 2020. The event will probably take part in Switzerland. We will keep you updated. ----------------------------------------------------- Frank Oostdam, ANVR, moderates the day Bert van Son, Mud Jeans, held an inspiring keynote Dr. Angela Kalisch, Equality in Tourism, gave insights in their work on gender equality in tourism The panellists introduced their approaches on equality in tourism and discussed with the participants Networking during the Symposium 2019 PreviousNext Downloads AGENDA_Symposium Equality in Tourism 2019 211.18 KB DOCUMENTATION_Symposium Equality in Tourism 2019 673.94 KB Keynote_Bert van Son_MUD JEANS_Symposium Equality in Tourism 2019 2.24 MB MUD JEANS_Sustainability Report 2018 3.69 MB Keynote_Dr.Angela Kalisch_EQUALITY IN TOURISM_Symposium Equality in Tourism 2019 447.65 KB Presentation_Jeroen van Vilsteren_RIKSJA TRAVEL_Symposium Equality in Tourism 2019 1.3 MB Presentation_Massimo Frattini_IUF_Symposium Equality in Tourism 2019 1.18 MB Speakers Info_Symposium Equality in Tourism 2019 350.66 KB Links Information and Registration - Symposium 2019