Pracitioners' Workshop: "How to improve grievance management in the tourism value chain” 10 November, 10.00 am - 1.00 pm CET, online via Zoom The Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism has, with the support of the consultancy Sustainable Links, conducted a desktop research, interviews and a survey on low-threshold grievance mechanisms in tourism. We wanted to understand what systems to access remedy already exist (in tourism, but also in other sectors), what challenges and potentials tourism companies see, and what support they might need. In this workshop we presented our research findings introduced the operationalisation of “effectiveness” criteria for grievance mechanisms/ management presented company good practice, esp. on internal processes and on integration of grievance mechanisms into supply chain management, and discussed with you, what tourism companies need to move forward with effective grievance management and how the Roundtable can support here Downloads Presentation_GrievanceMechanisms_WayfFrwardTourism_Workshop 1.61 MB Effectiveness_Criteria_GrievanceMechanisms_Operationalised.pdf 166.66 KB