Business Roundtable: Human Rights Due Diligence in Albania's Tourism Supply Chain


On Thursday, 6 June the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism co-organised a Business Roundtable on Strengthening Human Rights Due Diligence in Albania's Tourism Supply Chains. The workshop was jointly hosted by the OSCE Secretariat and OSCE Presence in Albania, in collaboration with the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism and GIZ Albania.

Around 30 tourism stakeholders, including government representatives, civil society, the private sector and international experts discussed on political and legal developments, shared best practices and lessons learned and showcased various support mechanisms for businesses. The event focused on the unique needs of Albania’s booming tourism sector, and how to tackle human rights related challenges, such as labor shortages and potential exploitation concerns.

Jara Schreiber presented the work and supporting services of the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism for businesses and gave an overview on current legislation developments regarding human rights due diligence. 

Find a press release on the event by the OSCE here.