Transforming tourism in the Pan-European region for a resilient and sustainable post-COVID world By October 2021, the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic had infected more than 60.3 million people and caused more than 1.5 million deaths across Europe. The world is facing a triple planetary crisis relating to the climate, pollution and nature, and it is becoming increasingly important for all tourism players to shift towards more sustainable and circular business models. This report aims to describe the changes brought to the tourism sector by the pandemic, as well as opportunities, challenges and recommended measures for mainstreaming sustainable tourism. It first outlines the prepandemic environmental context of tourism and then reviews the implications of COVID19 for mainstreaming sustainability in tourism, and adequate financing responses. The report focuses on impacts on the environment, climate, waste and water linked to changes in tourism, and recommends 10 policy measures for the next decade to transform tourism. Type of Publication Studies / Research / Report Author(s) / Editor(s) United Nations Environment Programme [UNEP] Year of publication 2022 Length 84 pages Language English Topic(s) EnvironmentSustainabilityCOVID-19Crisis ManagementTourism DevelopmentSustainable Development Goals [SDGs] Download rc270pdf-2257.pdf 2.6 MB Share: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn