Speaking with Care

A Manual to Prevent, Mitigate, and Counter Hate Speech Targeting Sexual and Gender Minorities in East Africa

This manual explores the dangerous effects of hate speech and discrimination directed at sexual and gender minorities in East Africa, specifically in Kenya and Uganda. It presents guidance and strategies to identify, prevent, mitigate, and counter hate speech based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions and to promote human rights.Our target audience is not the sexual and gender minorities most directly and negativelyimpacted by such hatred (though they too will likely find use for this guide), but rather the friends, families, faith leaders, and wider community who surround them — critical allies who share a civic duty to uphold universal human rights and a moral duty to protect fellow citizensfrom the harms of hate speech.

Studies / Research / Report
Tools / Guidelines / Training
Rafto Foundation for Human Rights and Sexual Minorities Uganda
Pellot B.
107 pages
Sexual Exploitation/Sexual Harassment