Human rights issues in tourism are broad and take many forms. Regular training and capacity building activities are key for ensuring that human rights are respected.
Based on the main human rights risks identified (see value chain risk assessment on this website), training and capacity building activities should be organised with relevant internal and external actors. This includes training addressed at all employees (e.g. on the company commitment to human rights) and other capacity building activities targeted at different functions (see examples in the tab below).
For human rights risks identified in the destinations and specific value chain elements, targeted training should be organised in order to address the potential human rights issues (see examples in the tab below). Many companies decide to collaborate with industry peers to organise capacity building in the destinations (see measure card on Sector collaboration for more information).
To get an idea of how specific human rights-related issues can be addressed in training, see examples of issue-specific training materials in the tabs below.
⇒ Click here to identify your value chain-related human rights risks
Conduct basic training on relevant human rights topics (see value chain risk analysis on this website) with all employees. This could be in the form of:
In addition, develop more in-depth issue-specific training for relevant functions such as:
General human rights approach:
Modern Slavery:
Diversity & Inclusion:
Organise destination- and/or issue-specific capacity building activities (see value chain risk assessment):
For salient human rights issues, define the relevant target groups to participate in issue-specific capacity building activities (see value chain risk assessment on this site).
Examples of issue-specific trainings:
Human trafficking in the transport industry:
Sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (SECTT):
Environmental topics:
Further Resources:
To support in-house human rights education, the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism has developed two free online training courses, which are available to professionals from tourism companies, especially tour operators (see link below). The online training is intended to familiarise learners with the international human rights framework and the expectations they have of (their) company. Participants are made aware of the various human rights areas touched by their business activities.
Good Practice Note:
Find more information in the Resource Centre.