ITB Berlin Convention 2022 - "The Forgotten Majority –Informal Workers in Tourism"

The Forgotten Majority – Informal Workers in Tourism
ITB Convention (virtual)
Thursday, 10 March 2022, 04:05 - 04:40 PM CET

The session included experts' inputs and good practice examples to showcase challenges and opportunities of respecting the human rights of informal workers.

Informal workers are a crucial element of tourism worldwide and make up a majority of tourism employment.The informal sector is heavily caught between entrepreneurial opportunities and the risk of exploitation.The session included expert’s inputs and good practice examples to showcase challenges and opportunities of respecting the human rights of informal workers. 

The COVID-19 crisis accelerates existing conflicts and risks for human rights violations in tourism. It is high time to spotlight this forgotten majority of tourism workers and discuss how inclusiveness can be strengthened in the restart of tourism. Video presentations showcased good practice examples on trainings in the informal economy.


Antje Monshausen, Head of Tourism Watch, Brot für die Welt, Chairwoman Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism e.V.

Agnes Rodriguez, AGUICAT – Association of Tour Guides in Catalonia (winner of TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2022)

Graeme Jackson, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Travel Foundation

Moderation: Katharina Stechl, Program Manager, Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism