What makes stakeholder engagement meaningful? 5 insights from practice Business and human rights has become an increasingly important topic on the corporate sustainability agenda. This series offers companies food for thought, highlights inspirational practice and shares valuable lessons learned to stimulate business managers and decision-makers towards an ambitious, transformational approach to respecting human rights in line with the UNGPs. The insights shared in the series are based on the experience of Global Compact Network Germany in supporting business practitioners to implement human rights due diligence. They include knowledge gathered through engaging with businesses, and the know-how of our partners, and experts over the years. The Insights Series aims to present a selection of key lessons learned and success factors for respecting human rights in the spirit of the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact and in line with the UNGPs, providing companies with inspiration for effective and meaningful human rights due diligence and continuous improvement. Type of Publication Studies / Research / Report Author(s) / Editor(s) UN Global Compact Network Germany Year of publication 2022 Length 17 pages Language English Topic(s) Stakeholder EngagementDue Diligence Download rc292pdf-2349.pdf 599.77 KB Share: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn