Volunteer Tourism

Characterisation and debates of a global phenomenon

Volunteer tourism is a global phenomenon that has gained popularity and interest since 1990. To reduce negative effects, it’s crucial to understand its dynamics and stakeholders. From an anthropological and gender perspectives, this report aims to show a critical view on voluntourism and to characterise the presents debates in the scientific literature. Therefore, North-South relations, colonial dynamics, the role of sending organisations, volunteers’ motivations and behaviours, as well as the positive and negative impacts on them and local communities are highlighted. Moreover, a gender perspective is incorporated as an analytical framework through which to explore dynamics that take place in volunteer tourism. For sending organisations, the report covers background information and concrete recommendations for action. Finally, possible consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on this complex phenomenon are exposed together with future lines of research.

Studies / Research / Report
Salvador Almela M.
41 pages
Community Impact
Children's Rights