Responsible business conduct and the tourism industry in Vietnam

Guidance for Companies

As Vietnam’s tourism industry expands, the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry have partnered to produce guidance for companies operating in the tourism industry in Vietnam. The guidance aims to strengthen business capability and equip future business leaders to promote responsible business conduct and respect for human rights in Vietnam. Tourism plays an important role in Vietnam’s economy by creating jobs, infrastructure, and market opportunities. Yet, like most countries around the world, Vietnam’s tourism industry has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the industry looks to rebuild towards pre-pandemic levels, now is a critical time to ensure that human rights are placed front and centre in recovery efforts. This guidance seeks to support business to emerge from the pandemic in a responsible and sustainable manner by assisting them to understand the key human rights challenges in the tourism industry and how to respond appropriately. The purpose of this introductory guidance is to highlight some of the human rights challenges and issues that arise in the tourism industry in Vietnam and provide practical advice for businesses in the tourism sector to meet their responsibility to respect human rights. This guidance is relevant and appropriate for local and international businesses operating in Vietnam in the tourism sector, including but not limited to accommodation, transport, attractions, events and conferences, retail, food services, wellness, information services and online services. While the primary focus of this guidance is to assist businesses in the formal tourism sector in Vietnam, it is also important to recognise that the value chain of such businesses includes many enterprises, such as micro- and sole traders. While the concepts and principles contained in this guidance are applicable for businesses of all sizes, small businesses operating in the sector will likely need more tailored guidance and support.

Studies / Research / Report
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
63 pages
Due Diligence
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs]