Destination Net-Zero

The Climate Action Guidebook

The connection between business activity and climate change is clear. Climate change has become ‘code red for humanity’ and urgent action is required across all sectors from businesses of all sizes. Businesses are also increasingly aware that sustainability is a growing consideration in consumer decisions. The UK government has responded by making a commitment to achieve net-zero by 2050, with all economic sectors working to achieve this. As a result, the regulatory landscape has grown more complex, with companies navigating the challenging waters of carbon reporting initiatives. Decarbonising the travel and tourism sector is complex for a range of reasons: from understanding and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a convoluted value chain, to technological solutions that have yet to reach a scale sufficient to meet the trajectory of required emissions reductions. These challenges are particularly acute for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the time, resources or expertise to tackle them. With those challenges in mind, this guidebook contains advice for leaders within companies of all sizes in the travel and tourism sector who are looking to start, or progress, their decarbonisation journey to net-zero. It provides sector-specific insight, examples of good practice and practical support for travel business decision-makers wanting to decarbonise and take steps towards carbon risk management. Readers will learn about the current carbon reporting and reduction targets required as part of reaching the UK’s net-zero targets, as well as information on climate-related risks and how to manage them. Moreover, the guidebook supports in measuring carbon for an organisation by creating a carbon inventory for direct and indirect carbon emissions. Ultimately, it provides ways to approach a net-zero commitment.

Studies / Research / Report
67 pages
Climate Change