A Compass for Just and Regenerative Business We are at a crucial juncture in human history, with a rapidly closing window of opportunity if we are to create a world in which more than nine billion people will be able to live well, within planetary boundaries. To unlock the changes at the pace required, we need to shift the underlying paradigm of business to adopt a just and regenerative mindset, embedding this into a new way of making decisions. This guide explores the role of business in taking a just and regenerative approach to unlocking transformative action. Acting as a navigation aide between a vision of a just and regenerative future and the thinking of today, it aims to stretch business ambition to the next frontier of sustainability while simultaneously identifying some practical implications of how to start applying this to current activities and business functions. A compelling and clear synthesis is provided of current leading thinking around just and regenerative practice. Creating a robust definition of what being just and regenerative means for businesses, it demonstrates the importance of this mindset shift for unlocking transformative action. Furthermore, it introduces the Business Transformation Compass as a navigation guide for understanding and shifting the approach businesses take to change. Finally, it draws out implications of this approach by describing the ‘critical shift’ needed on a range of issues and business functions. Type of Publication Studies / Research / Report Author(s) / Editor(s) Forum for the FutureWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development [wbcsd] Year of publication 2021 Length 39 pages Language English Topic(s) Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR]Due DiligenceUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs] Download rc238pdf-2178.pdf 3.55 MB Share: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn