Charting the Course: Embedding children's rights in responsible business conduct

A Brief

In a world in which business is intrinsic to the social and economic fabric, virtually all children are impacted one way or another by business activity – as consumers of products and services, through exposure to marketing and advertising, as young workers or child labourers, as the children of workers, as users of digital platforms, or through the environments where they live and play. However, despite progress, children's rights are not yet at the heart of responsible business conduct. This brief summarizes a report from UNICEF, UN Global Compact and Save the Children and aims to chart the course for the coming years. It covers the topics of business impact on children, recent progress, and charting the course for the next decade. Calling on the business world, governments, and other stakeholders to make children's rights visible, it provides a collection of concrete recommendations and actions to take.

Studies / Research / Report
United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]
UN Global Compact
Save the Children
16 pages
Children's Rights
Due Diligence