Assessing the Effectiveness of Company Grievance Mechanisms (CSR Europe) This report was written by the staff of CSR Europe with support from Yadaira Orsini from International Alert. It is based on the information gathered in the framework of CSR Europe’s Collaborative Project on Sustainable Supply Chains, Business & Human Rights. The project - guided by CSR Europe’s corporate members Hitachi, ArcelorMittal, Vattenfall and Volkswagen, and CSR Europe’s German partner organisation, econsense – aims to enhance joint learning on the business implications of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and to support companies in their implementation. One of the specific focus areas is company mechanisms for addressing human rights complaints.This report is the outcome of CSR Europe’s collaborative work with members on the topic of company grievance mechanisms. It contains a practical interpretation of the eight effectiveness criteria for grievance mechanisms which served as the basis of CSR Europe’s Management of Complaints Assessment (MOC-A) tool. The report also presents an overview of the initial findings from deploying the tool with 15 companies from a number of different sectors. Type of Publication Tools / Guidelines / Training Author(s) / Editor(s) CSR Europe Year of publication 2013 Length 22 pages Language English Topic(s) Grievance MechanismsCorporate Social Responsibility [CSR]Due DiligenceUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights [UNGPs] Download rc004assessing-effectiveness-company-grievance-mechanismspdf-1125.pdf 706.88 KB Share: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn