Access to Remedy August 2021 The third pillar of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) states that individuals whose rights are harmed by business must have access to remedy. Despite 10 years of implementation of the UNGPs by companies and states alike, the remedy pillar remains largely undeveloped and under-fulfilled. There is little practical guidance on how to provide effective remedy—including a lack of tools on how to measure effectiveness—and few public case studies, limiting the ability to learn from others and advance the field. Companies are hesitant to publicly disclose what they are doing on remedy and to admit responsibility for the harm they have caused or contributed to, out of fear of reputational and financial consequences, precedent-setting, or the likelihood of legal claims. To support businesses in fulfilling their obligations under the UNGPs, the report provides guidance to understand the four key roles business has in providing remedy. Moreover, it sheds light on the five elements of remedy and the changing remedy landscape and gives five recommendations for company action on remedy. Type of Publication Studies / Research / Report Author(s) / Editor(s) Business for Social Responsibility [BSR] Year of publication 2021 Length 5 pages Language English Topic(s) Grievance Mechanisms Download rc260pdf-2238.pdf 108.7 KB Share: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn